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New Regulatory Change

New Laws Passed in 2022 to Increase Development

To close the gap and meet housing demand, state and local governmental bodies have introduced new laws and programs to enable multifamily development. These focus on density and additional units, commercial vs. residential zoning, and city zoning approval processes.

See appendix for more details on laws.

California - Statewide
  • SB 9 - The California H.O.M.E. Act

  • SB 10 - Housing Development: Density

  • SB 6 - California Legislature Allows Housing Development on Commercial Property

  • A 2221 - Accessory Dwelling Units

  • AB 2011 - Approval for Affordable Housing on Commercially-Zoned Land

  • AB 1033 - Approval for ADUs to be used and sold as condominiums

San Diego - City Wide
  • City of San Giedo Executive Order 2023-1 - 30-day moderate-income plan check approval

  • New Zoning Laws - SDA & TPA (Affordable Home
    Density Bonus Program)

More ADUs are Already Being Approved

"I can say the state of our city is rising[...] Rising to build more housing. Rising up against the urge to say ‘no’ because change is scary. Rising to meet the expectations of all our neighborhoods."

- Todd Gloria, Mayor of San Diego

Illustration of Density-Ready Sites in San Diego

Redevelopment of Underutilized Land

(With Illustration of Hillcrest Neighborhood)

Source: SANDAG

Vacant Lots That Can Support Multifamily

(With Illustrative Example of Southeastern Neighborhood)

Source: SANDAG

Transit Areas Create Density Gold Mine

Source: SANDAG

“The proposed rule changes would make an additional 5,224 acres close enough to transit to be eligible for developer density bonuses. The changes would also increase by 4,612 the acreage eligible for the backyard apartment ‘bonus’ program.”

- San Diego Tribune, 1/2/23

New Additions & Beneficial Changes to Transit Areas

Sustainable Development Area

There is a new process through which you can apply for your property to be in the Transit Priority Area (TPA) to make use of the bonus ADU program. This process is the SDA.

Existing Transit Priority Area (TPA)
Areas Added to Sustainable Development Area (SDA) 3/1/2023

Coastal Overlay Zone

Projects in a “Non-Appealable Area” (N-APP-2) in the Coastal Zone can skip the previously required coastal commission review, saving a significant amount of time and money.

Coastal Zone Boundary
Areas within the Coastal Zone within the city of San Diego