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San Diego Housing Crisis

2029 Housing Target

Massive & Growing Housing Gap

To meet its state-mandated housing plan, San Diego needs 108,000 housing units by 2029. According to the local Housing Commission, this number is closer to 130,000 - 220,000.

Supply Demand Imbalance

Housing Demand is On the Rise

Net Absorption
Source: Costar

Housing Inventory is Decreasing

Active Listings
Moving Average
Source: FRED

Only Market with Year-Over-Year Decline

Source: Brian Daly, Real Report - 1/24/23

San Diego was the only one of these 21 major markets to have a Year-Over-Year decline in active inventory.

Source: Brian Daly, Real Report 1/3/23

New Housing Production Continues to Fall Short

Despite ambitious development targets, San Diego has missed its necessary target for the past 15+ years, creating this deficit. In 2021 the city fell short by nearly 10,000 units.

Yearly Units Needed
Needed to Meet Target
2021 Total Units
Nearly 10,000 Unit Gap

If all capacity sources are fully utilized
San Diego has sufficient housing potential to meet 10-year needs

San Diego can exceed its housing needs by ~30,000 units over 10 years if all potential housing capacity is fully captured.

Potential units will come from:

  • Rezoning & Increased Density: Rezoning to increase density around transit opportunity areas (47,000-146,000 units)

  • Development & Utilization: Redeveloping underutilized parcels of land (56,000-73,000 units)

  • City & Industrial Lots: Adapting disused industrial zones and city sites (11,000-20,000 units)

  • Addressing Vacant Lots: Infilling vacant lots (5,000-6,000 units)

  • Accessory Dwelling Units: Utilizing detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) (2,700-5,500 units)